Each individual has a social obligation to preserve a balance between economic growth and environmental impact.

Corporate Citizenship 

STL takes pride in making the world a better place in aspects that impact our community which include: Environmental, Educational, Social, and Sustainability issues. Through strategic planning and STL employees’ engagement in community-building activities, we are creating a culture of continuously building the communities around us.

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STL CEO&MD tree planting at Kamburaini

Environment and Sustainability Policy

At STL, we take pride in protecting the environment through participation in Eco-friendly activities such as waste management, energy use, tree planting, wafer reclamation, lowering carbon footprints, and burning fossil fuels. We also ensure National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) rules and regulations are followed. Tree planting

Supporting our Communities

In the past, we have and we continue to partner with non-profit organizations to support impactful and innovative projects.  We have supported our communities by donating fully equipped computer lab, supporting girls to take up stem courses by sponsoring their education, making donations to schools in rural areas, and more.  STL is dedicated to creating opportunities for students and fostering a love for learning. We hope to inspire the next generation of tech leaders.



Fostering Education
Gender and Inclusivity
Environment and Sustainability
Corporate Citizenship
Supporting our Communites